A Nationwide Network of CPAs Devoted
to Serving the Health Care Industry


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Added: June 20, 2018 - 8:30 AM  /  Views: 1897

Five Myths Your Landlord Wants You To Believe
Members Only Featured

Added: April 04, 2018 - 9:36 PM  /  Views: 1640

Jail Time for a HIPAA Violation?!

Do you want to utilize the powerful consequences of privacy violations to boost the effectiveness of compliance training? Read more here.

Added: October 30, 2018 - 11:48 AM  /  Views: 1759

Maximize Your Profitability Through Real Estate
Members Only Featured

Added: April 04, 2018 - 9:33 PM  /  Views: 1697

Tips on How to Take Your Website to the Next Level

5 Steps to Powerful Industry Websites.

Added: October 30, 2018 - 1:05 PM  /  Views: 782

U.S. Treasury Issues Proposed Regulations Addressing the New Sec. 199A 20 Percent Pass-Through Tax D

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) created a new 20% deduction for qualified business income to reduce the tax burden on sole proprietors, the owners of S Corporations and partnerships and certain trusts and estates and their beneficiaries. On August 8, 2018, the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) issued proposed regulations interpreting the new provision. Taxpayers should take careful note of the new regulations as the pass-through deduction is effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 2017.

Added: August 14, 2018 - 4:01 PM  /  Views: 1898

Vertical IQ: Physician Practices Report

Industry trends, analysis, forecasts, benchmarks and more can be found in this 30-page industry report. Share with clients and prospects to gain an advantage in your market and put yourself out there as an on to it advisor for physician practices.

Added: October 30, 2018 - 11:43 AM  /  Views: 1945

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